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Scientist with Test Tubes


  • 国家优秀青年基金(海外),国家自然科学基金委员会,2025-01至2027-12,吴海舟,主持

  • 国家海外引才专项,教育部,2025-01至2027-12,支梓鉴,主持

  • 湖北省自然科学基金(青年B类),湖北省科技厅,2025-01至2026-12,支梓鉴,主持

  • 产学研合作项目,小米智能家电(武汉)有限公司,2024-09至2025-09,吴海舟,主持

  • 重点科研项目培育专项,华中农业大学,2024-07 至 2026-07,吴海舟,主持

  • 中央高校自主科技创新基金项目,华中农业大学,2024-07至2026-06,支梓鉴,主持

  • 战略研究与咨询项目,中国工程院,2024-01至2024-12,吴海舟,子课题主持

  • “湖北省肉制品加工技术创新中心”建设项目,华中农业大学,2023-12至2026-12,吴海舟,主持

  • 高层次人才启动项目,华中农业大学,2023-03 至 2028-03,吴海舟,主持


  • 2023年,吴海舟,湖北省“百人计划”,湖北省委组织部

  • 2022年,吴海舟,国际食品“青年科学家奖”,国际食品科学与技术联盟 (IUFoST)

  • 2022年,吴海舟,“影响未来100科技榜单”,瑞典皇家工程科学院 (IVA)

  • 2022年,吴海舟,脂质氧化“青年研究员”旅行奖,美国油脂化学协会 (AOCS)

  • 2021年,吴海舟,“脂质青年科学家奖”,欧洲油脂联盟 (Euro Fed Lipid)

  • 2021年,支梓鉴,国家优秀留学生(全球500人),国家留学基金委

Lab Experiment with Flask


  • Zhou, M., Lima, J. C. R., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., Xu, C., Santos-Júnior, C. D*. & Wu, H*. (2025), Harnessing AI for enhanced screening of antimicrobial bioactive compounds in food safety and preservation, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 104887.

  • Luo, W., Zhang, J., Ahmmed, M. K., Sakai, K., Shahidi, F., Zhi, Z.* & Wu, H.* (2025), Valorization of animal by-product enzymes: Advancing sustainable food processing through innovative extraction, purification, and application strategies, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 104870.

  • Wu, H.*, Tatiyaborworntham, N., Hajimohammadi, M., et al. (2024). Model systems for studying lipid oxidation associated with muscle foods: Methods, challenges, and prospects. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 64 (1), 153-171.

  • Lei, X., Wu, H.*, Liu, L*., Zhang, J., & Undeland, I. (2024). Mechanistic insights to the strong antioxidative capacity of lingonberry press cake during recovery of fish protein ingredients. Future Foods, 10, 100484.

  • Zhang, J., Ahmmed, M. K., Regenstein, J. M., & Wu, H.* (2024). Recent advances of recycling proteins from seafood by-products: Industrial applications, challenges, and breakthroughs. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 104533.

  • Wu, H.*, Bak, K. H., Goran, G. V., & Tatiyaborworntham, N. (2024). Inhibitory mechanisms of polyphenols on heme protein-mediated lipid oxidation in muscle food: New insights and advances. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 64(15), 4921-4939.

  • Wu, H.*, Oliveira, G., & Lila, M. A. (2023). Protein‐binding approaches for improving bioaccessibility and bioavailability of anthocyanins. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 22(1), 333-354.

  • Wu, H.*, Axelsson, J., Kuhlin, M., Fristedt, R., & Undeland, I. (2023). Pilot-Scale Antioxidant Dipping of Herring (Clupea harengus) Co-products to Allow Their Upgrading to a High-Quality Mince for Food Production. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11 (12), 4727-4737.

  • Wu, H.*, Richards, M. P., & Undeland, I. (2022). Lipid oxidation and antioxidant delivery systems in muscle food. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21, 1275-1299.

  • Wu, H.*, Tullberg, C., Ghirmai, S., & Undeland, I*. (2022). Pro-oxidative activity of trout and bovine hemoglobin during digestion using a static in vitro gastrointestinal model. Food Chemistry, 133356.

  • Wu, H.*, Forghani B, Abdollahi, M., & Undeland, I. (2022). Lipid oxidation in sorted herring (Clupea harengus) filleting co-products from two seasons and its relationship to composition. Food Chemistry, 373, 131523.

  • Wu, H., Yin, J., Xiao, S., Zhang, J*., & Richards, M. P.* (2022). Quercetin as an inhibitor of hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation: mechanisms of action and use of molecular docking. Food Chemistry, 384, 132473.

  • Wu, H.*, Forghani B, Abdollahi, M., & Undeland, I. (2022). Five cuts from herring (Clupea harengus): comparison of nutritional and chemical composition between co-product fractions and fillets. Food Chemistry: X.

  • Wu, H.*, Park, S. Y., & Richards, M. P. (2022). Effects of sodium chloride and sodium tripolyphosphate on the prooxidant properties of hemoglobin in washed turkey muscle system. Food Chemistry: X, 100480.

  • Tatiyaborworntham, N., Oz, F., Richards, M. P., & Wu, H.* (2022). Paradoxical effects of lipolysis on the lipid oxidation in meat and meat products. Food Chemistry: X, 100317.

  • Wu, H.*, Abdollahi, M., & Undeland, I. (2021). Effect of recovery technique, antioxidant addition and compositional features on lipid oxidation in protein enriched products from cod, salmon and herring backbones. Food Chemistry, 360, 129973.

  • Wu, H., Xiao, S., Yin, J., Zhang, J., & Richards, M. P. (2021). Impact of lipid composition and muscle microstructure on myoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed cod and pig muscle. Food Chemistry, 336, 127729. 

  • Wu, H., Xiao, S., Yin, J., Zhang, J., & Richards, M. P. (2021). Mechanisms involved in the inhibitory effects of free fatty acids on lipid peroxidation in turkey muscle. Food Chemistry, 342, 128333. 

  • Wu, H.*, Sajib, M., & Undeland, I. (2021). Controlling hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in herring (Clupea harengus) co-products via incubation or dipping in a recyclable antioxidant solution. Food Control, 125, 107963.

  • Wu, H.*, Ghirmai, S., & Undeland, I. (2020). Stabilization of herring (Clupea harengus) by-products against lipid oxidation by rinsing and incubation with antioxidant solutions. Food Chemistry, 316, 126337. 

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